
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Canada a 'genocidal state': former Arab Federation VP

Happy Canada Day?

The following is an article published in The National Post Newspaper, on thursday, July second, 2009. Here is a man who obviously has some very deep convictions. It is apparent that he has taken the time to make himself aware of what is perhaps the most basic, and long standing of all Canadian national social, and political Issues. It is also apparent that Mr. Shaban has chosen to represent his deep, personal convictions, in a very open and honest fashion. The widely negative response to Mr. Shaban's open and honest portayal of the truth, simply reveals the level of denial that remains prevalent here in Canada, around the historic,and ongoing subjection of The Indigenous Peoples of this land.
This particular case reveals how successive waves of immigrants to Canada, continue to be infused with the historic Canadian practise of the denial of Indigenous rights, including human rights. What this says is that each successive wave of immigrants to Canada serve, to some extent, to reinforce the denial. Further, it is a testament that those who stand and speak this truth to the masses will be quashed.

Greg Robinson, New Westminster, BC, July,4th, 2009(blog: West Coast Indigenous Perspective).

Canada a 'genocidal state': former Arab Federation VP: ""

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