
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Facebook | Greg Robinson

Facebook | Greg Robinson Hemaas Tj'assee Stone Moving Feast

The Stone Moving Feast for the 'Hemaas Tj'assee' title, that is apparently scheduled for next week by my late father's brother, Sam Robinson, is a step away from presently accepted, Name-Taking protocol, and a naked showing of unbridled disrespect.
Not only protocol, but simple common respect requires that the one year term of grace be recognised by those who seek the title. This period of grace is a period of time given as a respectful tribute to the memory of the late Hemaas, and what he stood for.
It is a display of respect not only toward family members, but also toward Clan Chiefs, Clan Members, and toward the entire community. It is a time given to allow for the healthful grieving of our loss of a beloved family and Community member. Our father has died. Our mother's husband has died. Our children's Grandfather has died. The Haisla Nation has lost its Hemaas.
This period of grace is a time given for the Clan Chiefs, and their Clan members, so that they can also grieve in a healthy way and adjust to the new realities. It is a time that is allowed for the healing of the many emotional wounds that we as individuals, as families, and we as the Haisla have suffered over the past days, months, and years of our lives.
It is through this commonly recognised individual and collective grieving process that we as a community maintain our balance and our continuity. It is how we work as a community, toward ensuring a positive environment for our children and our grandchildren. It is in fact how we teach the very meaning of the word respect to our children. This is the basis of our Traditional Culture.
As the son of the late Chief Tjassee, and as a member of the Haisla Community, I am Galastaax, and I call upon the Haisla Clan members and the Haisla Clan Chiefs, to maintain the traditional practise of Respect. I call upon you to ensure the recognition of this protocol, and to enact the one year period of Respectful Grace between the time of my late father's death and the time of the 'Stone Moving Feast'. I ask this in the name of those who have gone before us, in the struggle for the survival of Haisla Traditional Culture, and the values that have maintained our Community throughout our history .

Respectfully, Galastaax,(Greg Robinson).

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