Picture in your mind's eye, a long road winding onward before you. This road stretches out across the horizon as far as your mind's eye can see. Although you have always been curious about what you might experience as you moved along that road, you have never stepped out to explore that road. The 'reason' that you have always allowed yourself to beleive, is that there is a gate that blocks your entrance to that road. You have always heard yourself say that the gate is closed and you do not have the key to open this gate.
This image repsresents that gate.
And, that gate, is your gate. If you look closely, you may notice that there is no latch or other device locking this gate into its 'closed' state. The gate, 'Just Is'.
Here, the reality is, that the very effort of lifting your hand to open this gate, is the key to moving beyond this gate.
If you do not take this first step, your journey will never open before you.
Greg Robinson, Haisla Nation, 06, 2009
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