Negative Spin attached to Idle No More
There has been a considerable amount of, 'Negative spin', attached to the Idle No More Movement, by voices of the Canadian Media, along with the various inevitable Conservative Government tactics of intervention. Regardless of such efforts to diffuse these issues, and to distract the greater population of Canada, the extensive underlying issues of destructive Canadian Political Process remain.
These destructive Political Processes have, over the centuries of their development, become intrinsic to the Canadian Political Process as it relates to the Indigenous Peoples of this Land. These Destructive Processes are the direct reflection of the long-standing intent of the Canadian power structure to eliminate the internationally recognized Rights and Title of the Indigenous Peoples of this Land.
These are the issues that have finally driven Indigenous People from across Canada, and around the world, to this present place of protest.
Our youth have seen the endless, and the pointless path of 'requesting' the attentions and the positive and productive cooperation of Ottawa. Over the years they have heard the echoes ring out across this land, as the doors of Parliament have repeatedly slammed shut in the faces of Indigenous Leadership. To ever increasing degrees, the Indigenous Youth of Canada find themselves at a place where they are prepared to stand and to be heard.
As I see it, Idle No More is, 'The tip of the iceberg', in terms of the centuries old struggle of Indigenous Peoples against Colonialism, and against all forms of social and racial oppression.
The struggle of Indigenous Canadians began in earnest through the determined and unified effort, which eventually stopped the so-called, 'White Paper', of the Trudeau Government.
This also marked the time of the beginning of the International effort to unify Indigenous Peoples toward the International recognition and protection of our inherent Indigenous Human Rights around the world.
As the months and years tick past, Indigenous Leadership and Membership become more adept at dealing with the Legal System in this country. Indigenous People in all parts of Canada are struggling to have their Indigenous and Human Rights recognized and upheld by the Canadian system of Due Process. Increasingly these struggles produce high levels of success in key battles in the Courts.
It will always be through our own determined efforts, working together as Individual Traditional Indigenous Peoples, that we will ensure the establishment and the longevity of our best interests, within or without, this Country of Canada.